React js

 What is React?

             React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications..Learn what React is all about on in my blog.

 How to add react on our website:

              React has been designed from the start for gradual adoption, and you can use as little or as much React as you need. Perhaps you only want to add some “sprinkles of interactivity” to an existing page. React components are a great way to do that.

        The majority of websites aren’t, and don’t need to be, single-page apps. With a few lines of code and no build tooling, try React in a small part of your website. You can then either gradually expand its presence, or keep it contained to a few dynamic widgets.
        In this section, we will show how to add a React component to an existing HTML page. You can follow along with your own website, or create an empty HTML file to practice.

Create a New React App:

            When starting a React project, a simple HTML page with script tags might still be the best option. It only takes a minute to set up!

As your application grows, you might want to consider a more integrated setup. There are several JavaScript toolchains we recommend for larger applications. Each of them can work with little to no configuration and lets you take full advantage of the rich React ecosystem. Learn how.

React for Beginners:

             If you feel that the React documentation goes at a faster pace than you’re comfortable with, check out this overview of React by Tania Rascia. It introduces the most important React concepts in a detailed, beginner-friendly way. Once you’re done, give the documentation another try!

JavaScript Resources 

            The React documentation assumes some familiarity with programming in the JavaScript language. You don’t have to be an expert, but it’s harder to learn both React and JavaScript at the same time.

We recommend going through this JavaScript overview to check your knowledge level. It will take you between 30 minutes and an hour but you will feel more confident learning React.

Practical Tutorial

If you prefer to learn by doing, check out our practical tutorial. In this tutorial, we build a tic-tac-toe game in React. You might be tempted to skip it because you’re not into building games — but give it a chance. The techniques you’ll learn in the tutorial are fundamental to building any React apps, and mastering it will give you a much deeper understanding.

Step-by-Step Guide

If you prefer to learn concepts step by step, our guide to main concepts is the best place to start. Every next chapter in it builds on the knowledge introduced in the previous chapters so you won’t miss anything as you go along.

Thinking in React

Many React users credit reading Thinking in React as the moment React finally “clicked” for them. It’s probably the oldest React walkthrough but it’s still just as relevant.

Sometimes people find third-party books and video courses more helpful than the official documentation. We maintain a list of commonly recommended resources, some of which are free.

Advanced Concepts

Once you’re comfortable with the main concepts and played with React a little bit, you might be interested in more advanced topics. This section will introduce you to the powerful, but less commonly used React features like context and refs.

API Reference

This documentation section is useful when you want to learn more details about a particular React API. For example, React.Component API reference can provide you with details on how setState() works, and what different lifecycle methods are useful for


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